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BlackLine Variance Analysis automates the monitoring and analysis of account balance fluctuations using customer-defined rules. It provides efficiency, visibility and enhanced controls by identifying accounts whose balances fall outside of configurable thresholds so that these fluctuations can be properly investigated.

Variance Analysis

Variance analysis uncovers discrepancies faster and is a crucial part of the risk management process. BlackLine proactively monitors and flags accounts that vary outside of an expected range, giving you key insight into inaccuracies—so you’re never caught off guard.

Discover Discrepancies Quickly

Once a flux is identified, BlackLine intelligently assigns responsibility for explaining the variance, routes those explanations to management, and uses customer-defined variance codes to roll up variance amounts into powerful, real-time dashboards and reports that allow teams to take action on issues.

Find Answers Faster

BlackLine Variance Analysis enables both the efficient monitoring of account balances and easy investigation into the causes of those fluctuations. Workflows alert proper personnel to investigate fluctuations, and are activated when flux thresholds are crossed, ensuring investigations are completed in a timely manner.

Move Beyond Spreadsheets

Download the TechPartners Blackine Variance Analysis Overview Brochure
Schedule a quick demo of the BlackLine Variance Analysis Product
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